As per a report by Counterpoint Research Nokia has been at the top of the list for pushing out timely updates. Now in the latest development, the company has started rolling out fresh November 2019 security updates for a number of its smartphones. Nokia 6.2 has already started receiving the November security patch as the company has rolled out the update across the globe. The new update brings version number v1.06B, which is 68.24MB in size. The company has rolled out the security update in a staged fashion that means only a limited number of users will receive the update followed by a broader rollout. November 2019 security patch has also started hitting Nokia 7.2 that comes with version number V1.20B and 68.54 MB in size. This update has also been rolled out in a staged manner and will reach out to all the users soon. Earlier this month Nokia 1 received October 2019 security patch and by the end of the month, it has again started receiving the latest November security update. The November 2019 security update comes with version number 0.98A and is 61.21 MB in size. Whereas Nokia 1 is also on the list, which has started receiving the latest security patch. The update for the device arrives with version number 2.18A and will be a 84.05 MB download. While on the other hand, November 2019 security update has also reached Nokia’s other devices like Nokia 5.1 that is 122.4MB in size, Nokia 3.1 at 122.8MB. Nokia 2.2 and 2.1 security update are 47.3 MB and 47.3 MB in size respectively. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also stay up to date using the Gadget Bridge Android App.

Nokia started rolling out of November 2019 Security Update for 8 of its smartphones  globally - 87Nokia started rolling out of November 2019 Security Update for 8 of its smartphones  globally - 56